Call For Reviewer


Mr / Mrs Researchers in the fields of information systems, Informatics Engineering and Computer Science.

With respect,
Jurnal Teknois : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi - Informasi dan Sains is a blind-review based Open Journal Access.
In developing and improving the quality of publication texts, TeknoIS invited Mr / Mrs to join as reviewers. If you are interested in becoming a Technological Reviewer, please fill out the form on Here

The reviewer is assigned to provide feedback to the TeknoIS Editor related to the manuscript submitted by the author in terms of quality and contribution according to the field. In addition, reviewers are also expected to provide an assessment at the right time, collegial, and constructive.

Thus we thank you for your attention as a candidate for reviewers with a high level of expertise and the ability to be objective, fair and professional in evaluating each text.

Benefits and Authorities for Reviewers:
  1. The names of reviewers and affiliates will be listed on the Journal website 
  2. Reviewers get an assignment letter by the chairman of Universitas Binaniaga Indonesia